Our Team


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We’ve assembled a virtual team of innovative, experienced, and diverse professionals at Southwest Marketing Ventures to help our clients reach or exceed their goals. These people are some of the most talented and accomplished experts in their respective fields. Although our founders live in East Texas, some of our other team members were cherry picked from other cities across Texas, as well as three other states. But we all stand ready as one cohesive team to help you grow and succeed!

Kent Huffman

Kent Huffman
CEO & Fractional CMO
> Marketing & Branding

Kent Huffman has 30-plus years of experience as a marketing, branding, and growth strategist and tactician. As their Chief Marketing Officer, he has successfully led the marketing teams for several Fortune 1000 corporations, including AT&T Capital and Perot Systems / Dell Services. During the past eight years, Kent has worked directly with dozens of small and mid-market companies in Texas, in several other states across the nation, and in Canada as their fractional CMO.

Over the past 20 years, the World Marketing Congress, Brand Quarterly, Dun & Bradstreet, TCU’s Neeley School of Business, and numerous other organizations have recognized Kent as a marketing and branding leader and innovator. He is a sought-after columnist and contributor for publications such as Entrepreneur and Forbes, and Kent has numerous awards and accolades to his credit, including “Most Influential CMOs” by CEO World Magazine, “CMO of the Year” finalist by American Marketing Association, and “50 Most Influential CMOs on Social Media” by Forbes.com.

Kent holds a BBA degree in marketing from Texas State University. He is currently serving as an online columnist for Entrepreneur Magazine, writing about marketing, branding, and growth. Kent also is a Google Local Guide for East Texas.

Stephen Eggleston

Stephen Eggleston
> Business Development

Stephen Eggleston served as a business development executive for Abbott Laboratories for more than 30 years. During his tenure there, Stephen not only drove significant sales revenue gains and market share growth, he also worked directly with the Abbott marketing and branding teams. More recently, Stephen has worked with a number of clients throughout East Texas, including a medical practice in Nacogdoches, a winery in Garden Valley, and retail store owners in Quitman, Winnsboro, and Atlanta.

Throughout his career, Stephen’s success has been recognized with various awards, including induction into Abbott’s President’s Club for three years and winning the company’s Rising Star Award. He also served on the Board of Directors for the March of Dimes, as well as the Health Professional Advisory Committee.

Stephen attended Midwestern State University, where he majored in music. He is currently serving as the marketing leader on the Board of Directors for the Wood County Economic Development Commission and also sits on the Wood County Health Advisory Board. Like Kent, Stephen also is a Google Local Guide for East Texas.

You won’t find a smarter, more experienced, success-focused collection of marketing, branding, and growth experts than Southwest Marketing Venture’s tactical team!

Brian Clark
Visual branding, graphic design, website design, product design, motion graphics, illustrations, presentations

Selma Filipovic
Graphic design, website design, website hosting

Michael Arcand
Website development, search engine optimization, pay-per-click advertising, digital dashboards

Juliann Martin
Programmatic advertising

Holt Hackney
Public / media relations, digital magazine publishing

Daren Beaudo
Crisis communications

Grant Wickes
Executive / personal branding

Max Kenwell
Company naming, product / service naming

Kenni Driver
Messaging, positioning

Kathy Magrino
Content strategy, writing, editing

Brynna Williamson
Writing, reporting

Eric Fletcher
Speaking engagements, podcasting

Ken Kirk
Photography, videography

Josh Pogue

LaVonda Deloney
Modeling recruitment / management

Denise Barton
Event planning / management

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